I hate BEST OF or TOP X lists. I just like to throw everything I find beautiful into a big bag, toss it over my shoulder and carry it around with me. Quantifying things like this, to me, is a fool’s errand. But I did have occasion to put together 8 recordings I love, and I wanted to pass these on, as they have the power to improve your day.
MARIA BETHANIA: Três Apitos; TOQUINHO & GILBERTO GIL: Tarde em Itapoã; PAULINHO DA VIOLA: Não quero você assim; CARTOLA: A Canção Que Chegou; ELIS REGINA: É Com Esse Que Eu Vou; PAULINHO DA VIOLA: Pressentimento; DJAVAN AND GAL COSTA: Açai; MARCOS VALLE: Maria Da Favela.